Ten years in writing about Japanese swords…

Earlier this year, I passed the milestone of writing ten years about Japanese swords and related subjects here on this site. In order to preserve things for posterity, if ever something happens to me or this domain, I put together all articles (sans the Kantei series, which will be published separately) in two volumes, one for swords-related, and one for sword fittings and armor-related articles. The former counts almost 700 pages, and the latter 270 pages, containing roughly 130 and 50 articles, respectively. All articles were carefully edited, mostly in terms of English grammar and typos, and to standardize all punctuation and ortography.

I am now offering both for those who want to have all articles in a collective and form that can be read offline and that saves you from navigating through this website, etc. May also make a nice gift 😉 Reflecting the printing costs for hardcover and color, the books will arrive at $120 and $90 for the sword-related and for the sword fittings and armor-related volume, respectively. A searchable digital version is available as well, which would arrive at $80 and $40.

If you are interested in acquiring a copy, or have any question about them, please reach out to markus.sesko@gmail.com. As always, thank you very much for your attention, and for being so faithful readers here for over a decade!




One thought on “Ten years in writing about Japanese swords…

  1. Hi Markus, Congratulations of reaching your 10 Year Milestone. I would be interested in purchasing the books. Could you confirm when we can expect the remaining volumes of Tosogu Classroom? and if you can advise on anywhere or anyone – who could complete a small translation on 9 Yoshiiku Prints. regards, Paul Allen


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