Aizu 11th Generation Kanesada

With my first post from the New World, I want to introduce a publication that had the honor to participate in. It is about the 11th generation Aizu-Kanesada who was active in the bakumatsu era. I had dedicated him an article a while ago which can be found here. The catalogue was written by Noboru Toyama who is one of the leading experts on this smith. I was translating about half of it, the other half was done by Fujimoto san alias Dejimaya. It presents an overview of Kanesada´s works from his earliest to his very last active period, so the reader will be able to become familiar with the changes in his signature and workmanship.

Paperback, 108 b/w pages, 8.5 wide x 11 tall

Price: 37.15 USD for the paperback and 23.20 USD for the eBook version.

Orders can be placed under the following Lulu link:
